Monday, December 23, 2024

Recap of 2024 Christmas cards

Christmas, like so many things this year, has been a struggle. I certainly didn't intend to go more than a month without doing a blog post, but here we are. I figured I should get at least one post done in December, so here is a recap of the designs I used for my Christmas cards this year. (To review the full post for any month, click on the link after the month name.)

January: Outline stickers

February: Fractured cards

March: Christmas mice

April: Modern merry

May: Holiday postage

June: Simple snowflakes

July: Cranberry Christmas

August: Happiest holidays

September: Nature's Christmas

Whatever holiday you celebrate (or don't), I wish you a season of light and peace surrounded by those you love.

Thanks for stopping by!


Anonymous said...

These are all lovely and cheerful cards, but my fave cards are the March ones with Anita Jeram stamps! After seeing those cute mice stamps, I ordered some of her stamps too! It's Christmas Eve for me tonight, and I will be happy to put all the Christmas stress behind me! I love Christmas, but not the stress it brings. Anyway, I love seeing what you have created, and being inspired! Have a fabulous Christmas, and a great New Year! Wishing you peace love and laughter! Hugs from Sunshine. xx

Andrea said...

Thank you, Sunshine! I really like those mice, too -- and I'm glad that's the card I sent you! :) Happy new year!