Monday, July 29, 2024

Life is 'tweet'

When I saw the Tweet Life stamp set and layering stencils (Concord and 9th) last year, I knew I would get them. I had to wait a while -- they never seemed to be both in stock when I thought about ordering -- but now that I have them, I know they'll make some adorable cards. Here are my first two:

I wanted to keep these first cards clean and simple, so I used white card bases and did my stenciling directly on the cards. For the large bird, I went with a bright, bold magenta and purple -- not a usual color choice for me. When the stenciling was done, I used the stamp set to add the black beak and eye, brown legs (though I think I should have made those black, too), some tone-on-tone details, and the sentiments. I felt like I needed some white on the bird, so I used a gel pen to draw a few accents. The purple ink on the wing was so strong that it absorbed into the white. I went over those parts again, but they still have a little purple tinge. I finished the card with three purple sequins.

For the second card I used a more familiar color palette -- yellow, green, and blue. The stencils make all nine birds at once, but it would be easy to do just one row or even a single small bird. I used sticky notes to cover parts of the stencil so I could make the birds in each row and column a different color. After stenciling, I again used the stamp set to add details and a sentiment. The final touch again was a few sequins.

These products are really fun, and I'm looking forward to trying them with other layouts and color combinations. Thanks for stopping by!



Anonymous said...

My apologies, but I am commenting on your (3) last post all in one comment. I'm still in a fair amount of muscle pain, so this is easiest for me to leave one comment. I'm sure you understand! I love all three of your posts! Those birds are so cute, and such gorgeous bright cheerful colours! They remind me of long hot Summer days :-) I love the colours of you July Christmas cards, such a beautiful wine colour and I love the gold/silver accents! These are beautiful cards :-) The typewriter cards remind me of my High School days and the old clunky typewriters we had to use! Horrible things to learn how to type on as the keys used to stick all the time! I love seeing what you have created, and these latest cards are fab!
Stay well and enjoy the sunshine!
Sunshine xx

Anonymous said...

I hope you don't mind that I am commenting in one post, about your last three posts. I am still in some fairly strong pain and it's easier for me to write one comment. I hope you understand! The cards with the birds is so bright and cheerful, and reminds me of long hot summer days! I love all the pretty colours on the birds! The July Christmas cards are gorgeous, I love that background paper you got from your Aunt! It's such a pretty colour, and the silver and gold accents are perfect! The cards with the typewriter on remind me of my High School days where we were learning on some old clunky typewriters that were so old the keys often didn't work! The cards are fab, and I like the backgrounds too! You have been so busy!
Take care,
Sunshine xx

Andrea said...

Thanks for your comment, Sunshine, and for looking at all my posts. I hope you are starting to feel better!