Saturday, August 31, 2024

Backyard flowers 2024

I’m finishing August by taking a quick break from cards to share some of the amazing flowers we’ve had in our backyard the past few months. Some are things we planted or knew were there from previous years, though even some of those have gone crazy with all the rain we’ve had. Others are plants or blooms we haven’t seen in the almost three years we’ve lived here. And I’m sure some are technically weeds, but if it’s pretty, I don’t care. It’s been a wild summer, and I love how green everything has been (although I don’t love the water in our basement or having to mow the yard so often). 

Note: I know or have figured out the names of many of these flowers, but I’m not going to put them in now for time’s sake. I may come back later and add them in. For now, here are lots of pictures!

Thanks for stopping by!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What beautiful flowers! I love the colour of the first one! These remind me that Spring is here at last! Today is the first day of Spring for me here in NZ. You are right, some so called weeds are very pretty and deserved to be photographed!