Monday, September 12, 2011

The big stamping day

I held my stamp-a-stack card-making event on Saturday, Sept. 10, and I think everything went well. I had eight attendees, and everyone made twelve cards (four each of three designs) and a Halloween treat bag. (I did end up using the card designs pictured in my August 13 post with just a couple of tweaks. I changed one of the colors and the ribbon used on the pennant card pictured on the left.)

I had a couple of brand-new (or almost brand-new) stampers, a few seasoned stampers and a couple somewhere in the middle. Everyone seemed to like the projects, although a couple of the card designs were a little more detailed, so they took a bit longer to complete. I tried to make simple cards, but I always worry that if I make things too simple, people will be disappointed in them.

The hardest part of the day for me was definitely the set up. I held the event at the childcare where I work, and since I figured nobody wanted to stamp at tables that are about two feet high (although I sit at them all day long), I planned to bring up a couple of folding tables from the basement. Well, when I started setting up on Saturday morning (by myself), I discovered that A) the tables were much heavier than I thought they would be, and B) they had to be maneuvered around a corner to get them up the staircase. Awesome. After about twenty minutes with no success, I was tired, sweaty and very close to just leaving those tables downstairs and letting everyone deal with preschool-sized tables and chairs. But I moved some other furniture out of the way, gave it one last try and somehow managed to drag the tables upstairs. All day long I was dreading having to put everything back, but thankfully my brother stopped by in the afternoon and helped me carry them downstairs.

As they were working on their cards during the event, a few of my friends and family members asked when I was going to have my next card-making day. Hmm ... I was exhausted by the end of the day, and I slept about eleven hours Saturday night, so I think I need a bit of time to recover from this one first. Whew!

Thanks for stopping by!

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