Tuesday, November 1, 2011

The first thousand words

November 1. Know what that means? Time to start my novel for National Novel Writing Month. I figured out that in order to finish a 50,000-word novel in thirty days, I'll have to write an average of about 1,667 words per day. Some days that seems completely manageable. But then other days I can barely imagine writing a hundred words.

I didn't quite meet the goal for today -- I only wrote 1,095 words -- but I definitely got my feet wet. I finished the first chapter and started the second. And I feel like I have a better idea of my novel's plot and characters. I honestly didn't think I would even get that much written, because I was supposed to go to yoga class tonight. But that plan backfired when less than halfway to class (I had decided to walk since it was a pretty nice evening) I fell in the street, scraped my knees and got covered in dirt. Awesome. I stood up, turned around and came home. Then I had to do a load of laundry to wash the dirt out my new coat and pants. Not exactly how I imagined I would spend my evening, but c'est la vie.

I'm not sure how often I'll be posting on my blog this month. I'll do my best to keep up, and we'll see how it goes. If nothing else, maybe I'll try to update my word count every few days so you'll know what kind of progress I'm making (or not making). I still need to do quite a bit of card-making, too, so I think that one way or another my free time this month probably will be not-so-free.

Thanks for stopping by!

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