Sunday, November 6, 2011

Crafting day results

As of today there are forty-nine days until Christmas, and I am woefully unprepared. My cards are nowhere near finished, never mind having any gift-making started. Thankfully yesterday I had a crafting day scheduled. My mom, aunt and I joined a group of ladies who get together once a month at Saint John Vianney church/school in South St. Paul. We arrived with all of our supplies a little after 9 a.m. and worked all day (with a few breaks for lunch and snacks) until about 7 p.m. I managed to make nineteen Christmas cards (six each of three designs and one random one), which brings my grand total of completed Christmas cards up to about twenty-three. Here are the cards that I made; I'll post individual pictures and supply info later this week.

I had a good time and a fairly productive day. But it is difficult to decide what to bring and then get everything packed up. I over-packed a little (brought way too much card stock for one thing), but it's really hard to know what you might "need" while you're stamping. Next time I might try to have some card designs done ahead of time and just bring the supplies for those cards. I think next weekend I'll be having a craft day with my friend Lisa. Maybe I can get another bunch of cards done then. At the rate I'm going, I don't think I'll have time to make and send Thanksgiving cards this year ...

I'm also still plugging away at my novel for NaNoWriMo. I'm up to just over 7,500 words, which is behind where I should be (about 10,000 by the end of today). But I think if I can write an average of a thousand words each day this month -- which I am currently ahead of -- I'll be happy. I obviously wouldn't get to the goal of 50,000 words, but that's okay. It's a bit overwhelming to think about getting done everything that I need to do, so I'm trying not to add too much pressure about finishing my novel. But maybe I'll find a "zone" and surprise myself.

Thanks for stopping by!

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