Sunday, December 11, 2022

I’m trying!

Well, hello! I can't believe I haven't posted anything on my blog in over two months. I had no intention of being “gone” that long, but my job, although I'm adjusting to it, still exhausts me. And October is crazy busy with family birthdays, and then there’s Thanksgiving, winter weather, and you know, life.

I finally sat down last week to share some little gift items I made for the holidays … and then I started having technology issues. My computer is very old and temperamental and apparently has already started its holiday vacation. Sigh. I’ll see if I can figure something out this week because I do have a few things I’d like to share. But just in case I don’t have any luck, I hope you have a wonderful holiday season or end of the year, however you celebrate (or not)!

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Hello Andrea! Sorry to hear about your technical issues Technology is great...when it works, but no to great when the gremlins get in and things go wrong. Here's hoping you get things sorted out soon! Hope you and your family/friends have a wonderful Christmas, and a very happy New Year!
    Hugs from Sunshine xx

  2. It definitely is a busy season! Hope things will turn around for you soon. Thanks for stopping by with the holiday greetings. Merry Christmas to you and yours!
