Monday, May 28, 2012

Next shipment of cards for OWH

Happy Memorial Day! I didn't have any big beginning-of-summer plans this weekend, but I did spend a good chunk of my day today getting ready to send my next shipment of cards to Operation Write Home (OWH).

I went through all the cards I've made in the last few months and picked out forty in various themes (thank you, birthday, miss you, etc.). Then I put finishing touches on them -- making sure the dark card bases had lighter card stock layers inside for writing, writing "Operation Write Home" on the back, etc. -- and boxed them up. They're ready to drop in the mail tomorrow after work!

While putting together this package of cards, which will be shipped to troops overseas, wasn't exactly the most exciting way to spend my Memorial Day, it definitely was worthwhile and meaningful. Thanks for stopping by!

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