Sunday, February 19, 2012

Neighborhood pictures

We had a beautiful warm sunny day today, so I decided to take a little walk around the neighborhood and take some pictures with my new camera. Unfortunately, it's too early in the year to have any new buds or blooms to photograph, and we don't even have pretty snow-covered trees. Most everything is just various shades of brown. Kind of blah. But here are a few of my favorite pictures:

I was trying to find shots that let me capture little details. It's interesting to walk around looking at and for little things rather than taking in your whole surroundings. I did take a couple of landscape shots, and they turned out just fine, but again, not the most impressive scenery right now.

And here is one I took last night during my first photo session. It's just a bag of jelly beans, but I love all the bright colors:

Thanks for stopping by!

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