Thursday, December 1, 2011

Thirty-one days of December

Twenty-four days until Christmas! I love the holiday season, the Christmas music on the radio, festive lights inside and out, and yummy treats. But last year (and so far this year, too) I felt stressed during what should be a joyful, festive and peaceful time of year. There's pressure to get cards made and sent out, to decorate, to find the perfect gifts. These are all things that I really enjoy doing, but at this time of year, it seems like they often become chores on a to-do list. (And don't even get me started on the whole commercial side of Christmas. I feel like I need to embrace my inner Charlie Brown and find an old scraggly tree to help everyone remember the real meaning of Christmas.)

So to help combat the stress and make the holiday season more enjoyable, I decided to create a list of thirty-one activities to do during December. They aren't listed in any particular order, and while some items are meaningful, others are very small. But I hope that by the end of the month I will have completed most (or maybe all) of these activities:
  1. Read a holiday-themed story or book. (One of my favorites is The Christmas Box by Richard Paul Evans. It's a quick read but very touching.)
  2. Send a card or letter to someone "just because."
  3. Volunteer to be a Salvation Army bell-ringer (or help with another charity).
  4. Bake cookies.
  5. Turn off the lights and TV and enjoy the lights on the Christmas tree.
  6. Listen to a favorite Christmas CD. Sing along!
  7. Catch snowflakes on my tongue.
  8. Curl up with a blanket and take a nap (without worrying that I should be doing something else).
  9. Eat a candy cane.
  10. Surprise a friend, neighbor or coworker with a small anonymous gift.
  11. Go to the movies.
  12. Give an extra donation to a favorite charity.
  13. Smile at a stranger and wish him or her "Happy holidays" or "Merry Christmas."
  14. Put together a jigsaw puzzle.
  15. Make a snowman.
  16. Make a mug of hot chocolate and watch a favorite holiday movie or cartoon. (I really like How the Grinch Stole Christmas and Miracle on 34th Street.)
  17. Make a colorful paper chain.
  18. Try a new recipe.
  19. Make footprints in fresh snow.
  20. Make at least one gift.
  21. Light a scented candle.
  22. Play Christmas carols on my flute.
  23. Try a new card-making technique.
  24. Play a game of Scrabble.
  25. Take pictures of a peaceful winter scene.
  26. Put out some crackers or bread for the birds and squirrels.
  27. Color a picture in one of  my coloring books.
  28. Make tea and cinnamon sugar toast and watch the yule log channel on TV.
  29. Make a Christmas ornament.
  30. Take an extra yoga class.
  31. Donate a toy to Toys for Tots.
I hope you have a wonderful month and take some time to really enjoy the season!

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