Saturday, December 31, 2011

ABCs of 2011

I thought it would be fun to look back on my 2011 with a little twist: I thought of one thing for each letter of the alphabet (easier said than done).

A favorite new bread - Flaxseed Farmer's Wheat with Cranberries from Breadsmith
Costume for Halloween. I actually dressed up this year, as a farmer.
Driver's license renewed. The next time I have to do that will be when I turn forty. Ugh. 
Energetic toddlers 
Flambards series by K.M. Peyton. Read the books (except the fourth, which I think ruins the happy ending) and watched the TV series, some parts multiple times.
Going to the Stampin' Up! regional conference in Minneapolis in February
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2. Finally!
Izzy's ice cream - Norwegian Chai!
Jane Eyre obsession. 'Nuff said.
Kindle. I still prefer "real" books, but I've had my Kindle for a year and am starting to read more e-books.
Ladysmith Black Mambazo concert in February and Les Miserables in December
Making cards
National Novel Writing Month. I wrote 11,018 words in my (unfinished) novel.
Operation Write Home. I donated fifty-five handmade cards this year.
Pirates of the Caribbean. I was late to jump on this bandwagon, but I saw all four of the movies over the summer.
Quirky stories about my Lego Minifigure collection
Reading books. I finished forty-one this year, not quite to my goal of fifty.
The Hunger Games trilogy by Suzanne Collins. Can't wait for the movie next year.
Utah trip in July for my second Stampin' Up! annual convention
Ventured into the world of blogging
Watching The Big Bang Theory. Definitely my favorite sitcom, maybe even my favorite TV show.
eXhibit of King Tut at the Science Museum of Minnesota in September
Zipper pulls and hair clips made as birthday gifts

Hope your 2011 was a great one and 2012 is even better. Have a happy, safe New Year's Eve!

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