Sunday, November 20, 2011

Couldn't put it down

I love to read, and truthfully I enjoy most of the books I read. But I haven't read a book I couldn't put down in a while. Then last weekend I started reading The Hunger Games trilogy by Suzanne Collins. The series takes place in the future in what was once North America. There are twelve districts in the country of Panem, and every year each district has two send two children (or tributes) between the ages of 12 and 18 -- one girl and one boy -- to the Capitol to participate in the Hunger Games. The tributes essentially are required to fight to the death, and the last survivor is the victor.

I'd had the first novel (The Hunger Games) on my Kindle since January, but I was never sure if I was in the right mood to read it. Finally I just decided to dive in, and I wish I had read them sooner! I kept trying to sneak in a few pages or even sentences whenever I could. I even tried reading while I walked to work, but sadly it's just too dark at 6:30 in the morning. (I did, however, read while walking home from work.)

Well, when I finished the first book Wednesday morning, I wanted to start the second one, Chasing Fire, right away. (My sister has all three books on her Kindle, and she said she would loan me the second and third books.) But I had a project to finish for work and a few other things that needed to get done, and I knew that if I started reading the next book I would be distracted and not get my work done. So I said I had to wait.

And wait I did. For about three days. By yesterday afternoon I gave into temptation and started reading the second book. I read on and off during the afternoon and evening and then straight from about 11:00 last night until 5:30 this morning. Seriously. I had droopy eyelids and was the losing the ability to even hold onto my Kindle by the time I was done, but I finished reading the second book.

OK, with two done, I decided I was going to wait until Thanksgiving break to read the third book. I managed to finish a few chores today (and, surprisingly, keep my eyes open) before I gave in again and started reading the third book, Mockingjay. I know I won't be able to read the whole book tonight -- pesky work and all -- but if I pace myself then I'll get to enjoy it longer, right?

Now I'm really excited to see The Hunger Games movie, which is being released next March. (That sounds so far away!) Maybe I'll even read the books again before then. If you haven't read them yet, I would definitely recommend it. They are young adult books, so the reading isn't difficult. But they are very thought provoking, and you will find yourself becoming totally absorbed in the characters and rooting on the heroes.

Have a great week!

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