Saturday, October 1, 2011

World card-making day 2011

Today is world card-making day -- yippee! Probably the perfect "holiday" for me. Happily, I didn't have any plans today, so I dedicated the day to making cards. Here are the results of my hard work this morning and afternoon:

Honestly, I had hoped to have more than nine cards made, but the top row of cards took me a lot longer than I thought they would. I used a pack of fabric tags from Making Memories that I've had for years, and I had to match the colors on the tags with ink and card stock and then figure out how I actually wanted to use the tags in the layouts. I wouldn't have expected that to be such a challenge, but I guess today it was. I'll share more pictures and details about some of these cards next week.

All of these cards are going in my next stash to send to Operation Write Home. That puts me over twenty cards, so I'll probably sort what I have into categories (thinking of you, birthday, etc.) and see if there are any categories that need a few more cards. I should be able to send them off in the next week or two!

If I have any energy left later this evening, I might try to make a few more cards. (At the moment I have to take a break so I can eat dinner and watch the season finale of Doctor Who.) I do want to try making a snowman Christmas card with the telescoping card technique. And I have more Halloween cards to make, too. A card-maker's work is never done ...

Whether you made any cards or not, I hope you enjoyed your day. Maybe next year I'll plan a stamp-a-stack or even just a bring-you-own-supplies-and-make-some-cards event to celebrate world card-making day.

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