Sunday, October 23, 2011

Cards for OWH

I haven't been doing much stamping the past couple of weeks (other than finishing my Halloween cards, which I had to do so I could mail them), but I made myself sit down today and make the last few cards I needed for Operation Write Home (OWH). Now I have thirty-five cards in a variety of categories (birthday, love, thinking of you, thank you and blank):

Tomorrow after work I'll sort the cards, tuck them in envelopes and get them packed up to be mailed this week. Yippee! This will be the second batch of cards I've sent to OWH. I feel like I could/should still make more, but I have to stop and send them at some point, right? Then I can start working on the next batch.

It's a good thing I'm finally getting these sent off because November is just over a week away, and I need to start thinking about my novel for National Novel Writing Month. I don't have any plot or character ideas yet, so I better spend some time brainstorming this week. I'm already feeling like I can't possibly write 50,000 words in a month. What have I gotten myself into?

Thanks for stopping by!

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