Saturday, September 3, 2011

Farmer's market cure?

I woke up this morning with a nasty head cold. It figures. A long holiday weekend. A trip to the State Fair planned for tomorrow. I should have expected to get sick, right? Yes, I am often surrounded by drippy noses at work, and I can't count the times I've had a baby or toddler cough or sneeze in my face. But I've built up an immunity, so I don't actually get sick much. Until, of course, it's inconvenient.

So I forced myself out of bed and took an allergy pill to help with the runny nose and sneezing and a couple Excedrin for the sinus headache and a jolt of energy. I laid around a bit, did some reading, played on the computer. After a while I felt a little better and decided I would head to the farmer's market, which had been my plan before I woke up feeling like my head was stuffed with cotton balls. I even made myself walk there and back. Figured maybe I could sweat out the cold.

I'm glad I went, because even though neither of the two places I really wanted to visit (A Toast to Bread and Deena's Gourmet Hummus) was there, look what I did find:

Yep, I bought myself a bouquet of flowers (along with some tomatoes, yellow zucchini and raspberries). And they make you smile, right? Just walking around with flowers in my bag made me feel happy. Bright yellows and pinks. How can they not make you feel at least a little more cheerful?

Now I'm not saying flowers are a magic cure-all, but for the rest of the day (at least so far), I've felt great. Who knows, maybe I did actually sweat it out. But regardless, it's a good thing I'm feeling better. Because I am going to the Fair tomorrow, and I am going to eat something deep fried and on a stick (okay, probably more than one thing). But I will be much happier doing it if I'm not sniffling and sneezing.

Thanks for stopping by!

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