Thursday, April 30, 2020

Technical difficulties

I had planned to publish a blog post today, but my computer had other ideas. It’s old and tired and very grumpy and was not interested in being a team player. I’m far from a tech expert, but I tried a bit of troubleshooting that has worked before. No luck this time. I also tried using my sister’s new laptop, but I couldn’t figure out how to resize my photos. So I’m throwing in the towel today, and maybe we’ll try again tomorrow.

Thanks for stopping by!


Sunshine. said...

Oh No! Sorry to hear about your computer 'troubles':-(
It's not a good feeling when things go wrong, and especially when you rely on the computer to update your blog. Hope things get sorted out soon! Hang in there it will get sorted!
Take care, stay safe and enjoy the lovely (hopefully!) Spring weather!

Anonymous said...

It's never fun when technology doesn't want to behave! Hope things will get better - and will see you when you return. Take care, stay well.